Hiya =),
that year 2010 is now already 3 weeks old - 3 weeks that I'm now at McDonalds - 3 weeks since I am with 3 boys in a private room in the hostel, and above all 3 weeks of fun and joy! Together we are -> Patrick, Stefan, Sebastian and myself (cheer photo from left to right) ANCHOR BOYS (Anchor Boys).

result is all that, as Sven us on their last evening in each case a Anchor on the upper arm painted. You have to know that there is a high honor is an anchor to his boy. So we live in four of our cabin.
you can see in the picture, we have 2 bunk beds, a large refrigerator and cupboards to store things. Since it is always busy, very little time to clean up. However, we do it regularly to empty our garbage and the ground to keep clean. So what more could you want? While we follow generally during the week of our work at McDonald's and regularly visit the Mukkibude, we become at the weekend at the ANCHOR BOYS. Then mostly party is announced. The cabin is then chilled to the party cave. With loud beats of DJ Basti, Patrick or sometimes Hannes the evening begins. Then, when the refrigerator is turned into a mini-bar, you can start the evening. While old stories, insiders and other silly sayings (which is my job ^ ^) will be unpacked, the mood level rises slowly upward. Against 23h makes you small, mostly on the road. Thus, recently visited a dance hall = Disco and karaoke bar a week earlier. And I was as a soloist, the song "Here without you - 3 Doors Down" the best in the group and then we sang "Sweet Caroline" as a duet and Stefan and I were on stage. Pretty stupid run, if a little on "Lemontree" Another song comes, as was expected.

But even this hurdle we overcame. A nice fun that will be repeated again in any case. Then it give a video - I promise. Close As always in Canada, according to law all bars and clubs at 2am, have to be out most of the way into the crowded McDonald's. After that you can then end the day comfortably in the hostel. All in all, just the real ne great time with the Anchor Boys and the other great people here, like Tobias, Nenad, Christian, Meike and Svenja who unfortunately had already left Big Brother. I am at least not yet on the rest of the time with them. Like other horny Evenings to follow. So keep your ears stiff.

Grüßerle your Anchorboy Hannes