finally I once again found time to even work up the events of last February. I'll begin here with the 4 days Road trip to Tofino and Nanaimo. As mentioned in the last article, it was after his return from Vancouver straight to bed. Sleep time was not, because the very next day we went out early. After a good breakfast, the more quickly pack your things and then it went off at 9am. The group consisted of Brittnay (Lady of frontdesk), Meike, Nenad, Stefan and me. Brittnay had rented for us a big Ford Aerostar and so we set out to six hours away Tofino. For Canadian relations, a short trip;). In Duncan, we met with Brittnays friends who came along on the trip. It felt great again out of town to get out and enjoy Canada's nature. Fantastic!
To 15h you came in Tofino. The first path led naturally to the beach. Bright sunshine, the Pacific and over 10 ° C - I'm really in Canada? It was then checked into the HI hostel. Wow, that is a really great hostel. Modern kitchen and dining room with sea view. The beds simply fantastic and nothing like the beds at the Ocean Iceland.
When all things were unloaded, we went again to the beach to marvel at my previous best sunset. Otherwise, not much went on that evening. We were too tired of the Olympics and the long drive.
The next day loan Brittnay and her friends from surfboards. Clearly, because the Tofino Surfers Paradise by Canada. We (Nenad, Stefan and I) not only senseless on the beach rumsaßen, we went exploring. It was a fun climb along the cliffs. Of course, we had another damn lucky with the weather and so we could walk around in T-shirt. Simply wonderful. The evening was then allowed to fade away in a bar.
said on Friday it will bid farewell to the 1600 inhabitants village of Tofino. Our path led us to Nanaimo. We should go to Funmesse. In principle, something like a big playground with bouncy castles etc. The evening we were to spend with a friend of Brittnay. By car, it went deep into the forest. When I saw my home for the evening, I was first a little shocked. So I did not expect! But the shock quickly vanished, and so we spent the night around the campfire at.
The cottage was not heated, so I had to correct einmurmeln in my sleeping bag, so I was not cold. But I survived habs:) The next morning was glorious, as our breakfast was prepared übern fire.
Bagels, Eggs and Bacon - it was delicious! Thus ended so the 4 days road trip with lots of great experiences. It's really good if you travel with the locals and an increasingly show a bit more. The trip by car was found to be very advantageous because it is much more flexible when it came to breaks. All in all a successful trip and maybe I'll come back again to Tofino.
is now already March. Most of my friends has left Victoria Hostel. This was a great time with the boys a grand finish, we decided on 2.27 jumpen in Nanaimo for equivalent of 20 € bungee go. Height of 45m without clothes we plunged into the depths and I was still icing on the cake as a dip in the river - hui was the cold. there are pictures of this event but they will not be released: D
So keep your chin up and all I'll report back in two days ;)
Grüßerle Hannes
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