Oh jeh. I look out to date and see that I in a month and 4 days already on the plane rise to the homeland. But that day is still a lot to look at. Tomorrow I will leave San Diego and myself in northwest. But now I want to get rid of only a few lines about Los Angeles.
For two nights it was so in the city of stars and starlets. The difference to Hawaii was extreme. Stressed people, honking motorists and the size of the city are therefore in contrast to the chilled-life in Hawaii.
On the first day we went to Beverly Hills and Hollywood. I was a bit disappointed by the Walk of Fame, where the celebrities have their stars. That was a section just a little run down and provided with several sex shops. I would have imagined somehow better designed. Frankly, I also knew a few people who were there but immortalized on Winnie The Pooh I could remember even more:)
The second day was then pure adrenaline. Roller Caster Tycoon Who plays, the Six Flags should really say something. Here you will find the best roller coasters in the world and I can confirm to my visit. In the end I had driven all who were labeled "extreme thrill" and had a few times this known Gribbeln in the abdomen.
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