Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Funny Wedding Card Messages Funny

shamelessly copied - Set 6!

The school is prohibited and is punishable with a 6 as a scam - in German politics, especially at federal level is, however long walk and add: the copying. Constantly being hounded against the evil communists of the left and then surreptitiously copied from their party platform in order to reap all the credit himself. Cutting edge, for example, is the oh-so-new proposal of a financial transaction tax (the tax on all financial transactions) to the casino capitalism finally under control to get. This idea, however, is not new and was already in the Bundestag on the application of the left out and discussed - rejected - because it so an idea of the evil communists was. Also, a bank levy to refinance the financial crisis and the regulation of the financial market to prevent stem the minds of the suspension. When Greece asked for money, called the Left to pursue this request immediately. The reluctance of the government in this matter was subsequently criticized sharply, since this higher cost to taxpayers caused.
most obvious and most painful case was the change of the pseudo SPD party workers after their shift in the opposition. Things that particularly in the Red-Green Schröder government could have actually been introduced without problems, then and now already rejected once again represented. Prime example is of course the minimum wage, although this is an absolute paradox anyway the social-democratic labor market liberalization (to create a low-wage sector).
Something good has the plagiarism yes: If the government again does not know what they mean by the unbearable pressure of the public still do everything, nor do they at least, to whom they can turn to. Even if their applications are always rejected, so that the Left clearly influenced policy at the federal level, probably for the better. This is of course an undeniable Plus point for this shameless and hypocritical methods.

the financial transaction tax http://www.youtube.com/watchv=laS_UOGbOmU&feature=fvst


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