Friday, June 25, 2010

Analog Antenna Afn In Iraq

About War for Freedom and Peace (3)

The war, fought in the name of democracy and human rights is a unacceptable way for the general enforcement of the exact counterpart of an instrument to both in the crisis area, and in the countries that deliver it. First, the former
It is clear that numerous abuses and inhuman atrocities not only tolerates but actually fosters or even caused. The murder of innocent civilians is inevitable in any war is but one example dar. much more terrible is the torture of alleged terrorists and their contact men, as an example frequently mentioned Guantanamo Bay, which perfectly illustrates the oppression, meaninglessness and arbitrariness, that this process always is based, and yet it shows only the tip of the iceberg. It has recently been made originally classified documents shows that the U.S. carry out studies on "enhanced interrogation methods" on terror suspects. Equally curious are several individual cases which are only through the sacrifices made famous, in which (had) migrants from the Far East (but they were living in democracies (GB / USA)), who were wrongly suspected of terrorists have contact with, by secret were deported to other countries (such as Egypt) for abused and tortured in the most brutal. These crimes are committed in the name of democracy, even though they are inconsistent with any moral, human rights and sense of justice. Moreover, the meaning of these methods is to question, since the confessions under enormous psychological Pressure and result mostly wrong.
this country is fueled by racism, however, these crimes from society to legitimize. Islam, a religion, which is different mentalities in regions of North Africa, the East to Southeast Asia, generalized as a terrorist religion and women's oppression. A conscious fear of the Islamization is fueled, the legislature "responding" with a headscarf ban (sdiskussionen) or the minarets. All Europe is in this respect to the threshold of a renewed outbreak of public incitement and xenophobia.
also elsewhere, the government makes this fear generated by war propaganda advantage: The surveillance state is developed effectively. Many are the simple view that they had nothing to hide. Nevertheless, such control means an immense power, an ace up its sleeve that is waiting to be played.

enactment of the torture methods at Guantanamo Bay in a self-test documentation
documentary about deportation of civilians to torture
educational video about the German police state
Rether Hagen (political satirist) on integration


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