Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dental Tooth Clip Setting Art

The last article

Now it is well done! My last article on this blog and it was then this is it 1.5 years ago that I opened this and since were on the way 10.000Leute go here. THANK YOU!

22.325km I have in the past 2 months down on my trip across North America back and it was fantastic! Yesterday afternoon, I landed safe and sound in well-Vancouver. I think I've slept in the same hostel room as on my first day in Canada. The last day was full again. So still had some errands to be done and in the evening I met with John Hannah and a farewell beer. And now I'm sitting here at the airport ...

How am I going? Shit! At least now I realize that my year is over. 363 days have gone by very fast and while I'm typing so hard to me to be back, again just rolled all the wonderful memories of the year. And that feeling makes me just really sad. Of course I am also looking forward to going home. The last 2 months "Travel" I have made but somehow tired. If you never longer than 5 days is still in one place all the time and had to live from his backpack, but very welcome awaits you on his bed, his family, his friends! Once again have that sense of abandon. Is not to ask: How are you next? Where do I sleep? How much money I can for food Output? Where do I apply for a job?
also once again to have people around to get where you do not have to say after a certain period of time and never seen again. If you had met the greatest people and say goodbye then again they had, it was not always easy for me. Sure, I'll see some recovery but some never ...

And yet I will miss it all here, very much. On 24.6.2009 then started my "Work & Travel" adventure. Already curious how this came to pass. After my withdrawal, I stood there and did not know what to do. I wanted to study yet, so I wanted to use the opportunity to spend a year abroad. As my father once threw "Work & Travel" field. At first I thought it was crazy but by reading a blog grew slowly my enthusiasm ...

But what is "Work & Travel" at all? On the surface it is for a period of time in another country where it can rumreisen and work. But there is much more to it. You are on a journey of discovery. You discover another culture, another language and, above all, you find yourself Who are you? How do you get it to be put right at once completely on your own? Exactly this kind of challenge I was looking for! I was with the aim of coming here, that my English is better and I myself also change. Talkative and become more open. Just to put the shyness. Now is my year around and I can at least see that my English has improved. It is not a top level but it is enough to communicate. Sure you build still a grammatical error but the threshold to become not worry about is definitely overcome.

Did I myself also changed? I am not great. Am I still think the quiet and serene type. Simply Hannah. But the year also left its mark. My personality comes out stronger from this time and so I have now a realistic View of the world, on my opportunities. Know what works and know how to achieve it.

Overall, in the time man Hannah made quite nicely on the test. There were high points and low points. A wave of emotions I had experienced especially at the beginning. If you have to see how your two buddies in Banff had already a job and you even still had no answer, then it was very depressing. They had it but be easier. To this was then that one of the people missing at home. While the day could not suppress this feeling, then ate up at night on your dreams. But went with the first job it steeply uphill. I lived a me and took a liking to this "new life". Being independent and doing what you wanted to get to know new people, seeing the world - that was cool! Highly motivated, I left Banff and what followed was a month with no plan and no fixed goal. I wandered around and never really knew what I wanted. Even my bank account emptied more. Goofy ran that it had not worked out at the end of NEM job in the ski resort. But I grieve for the thing not because I landed it in Victoria and in January / February, the hottest time besides the last two months had. This substitute family that had there was fantastic. We really had a lot of fun. I then turned my life around completely. I knew that if in the end I still want to see what of North America, then I should cook on low flame. And I did it successfully. Then by the March jobs, I myself a decent little sum for my trip to cover. And then the year was over! Probably it will take has yet to realize I am what I have experienced in the last year ...

And now it's all over. Gone! Off! End! Although my year has gone completely different, as I had imagined myself, I am totally happy with it. It was a great time I had and I will remember like to turn back. The more than 5000 images will help me in the process. If me someone ask if I had at some time regretted the decision, then I can only tell him: NOT A SECOND. It was the right decision for me. It was fun. It was exciting, great, great ONCE! Thank you Canada, and now it's time to make deadline, for now begins the boarding and thus a new life. Let's go! I'm ready!

Here I would like to thank especially my parents and my family, who made this possible. Many thanks also to my friends who had not forgotten me and thank you to all the great people I know have learned on my adventure. Also a big thank you to all blog readers - Be they known or unknown to me - and the hard-working writers comment. I hope that I could show you at least a little of what I have experienced here.

And now it's probably the last time:

Grüßerle your Hannes


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